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Natural winemaking techniques are at the core of Shiverick Import's philosophy. Thus, the majority of our wineries follow biodynamic, organic, or sustainable practices. The wineries listed below are committed to the health of our planet, caring for their vines and wines in accordance with the techniques noted.

Wines made from certified organically grown grapes avoid any synthetic pesticides or additives; whereas “organic” wines are made from organically grown grapes, and are also made without any added sulfites, accept those that are naturally occurring. The majority of organic wines are either certified by regional organic entities or use the term “made with organically grown grapes” on labels.



Biodynamic wine making adheres to the principle that views the farm as a living organism: self-contained, self-sustaining, following the cycles of nature. This farming system focuses on soil health, the integration of plants and animals, and biodiversity; and it requires the close observation and participation of the farmer. Instead of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, Biodynamic wineries use herbs, minerals and manure on their vineyards, and the vine care and harvesting follow the astronomical calendar. The international organization, Demeter, is the only certifying body for Biodynamic wines.

Sustainable winemaking advocates for practices that are not only ecologically sound, but also economically viable and socially responsible. Sustainable winemakers do this by pursuing healthy and productive vines for current and future generations, taking care of those that work the land and giving back to the community.

While the term itself may have more current origins, the practice of making natural wines has been around for thousands of years. Following the theory of nothing added, nothing taken away - natural wine is typically one made with organic grapes, as well as produced using minimal intervention in the winery. Although there are no set criteria for Natural wines, many winemakers instead use native yeasts, and as few sulfites as possible and minimal or no filtration or fining.

Though wine is made from fermented grapes, and one would think it's naturally vegan, this isn't always the case. After fermentation and aging, many producers perform a clarification process called fining, particularly on white or rosé wines. A fining agent acts like a magnet, attracting tiny molecules such as proteins, tartrates, tannins and phenolics that would otherwise leave a wine looking hazy, rather than the crystal-clear most customers used to. Traditional fining agents have included casein (a milk protein), albumin (egg whites), gelatin (animal protein) and isinglass (fish bladder protein). However, today many winemakers are using vegan-friendly alternatives such as clay-based bentonite and activated charcoal.

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